Jobs / Career

We are constantly looking for talents and professionals in the media field to support and realise our media

  • Media consultant

You can successfully win customers and inspire them with the trendguide platform. We are looking for contact with the best in the industry to support our partners on site and/or independently manage a sales territory. We look forward to receiving your application

  • Editorial Designer/Graphic Designer

Do you want to create a long-term platform that offers a multiplier effect and advertising value for your self-employment? Design one or more trendguides for us. Become part of a local team that successfully publishes trendguides. We offer a great deal of creative freedom and remuneration in line with the market. We look forward to receiving your application

  • Journalists/photo reporters/leaflet makers

You will work intensively with the "On Site" team and ideally bring special journalistic knowledge and networks with you. With trendguide you will create a long-term basis for working as a journalist at a high level. We look forward to receiving your application

  • Translator into various languages: GB,I,F,E

We are constantly looking for translators who can translate high-quality content reliably and quickly with feeling. Our cooperation is designed for the long term.

  • Blogger/ Content Provider/Community Manager

Our online community is constantly growing and we are looking for creative people who have already proven how to inspire communities to take care of our social media channels and communities....


If you are interested, please contact us with informative work samples:


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