Source:; as at: 02/02/2025
Kurt Friedrich Gassner - Author

Kurt Friedrich Gassner has worn many hats throughout his life, including serial entrepreneur, creative director, meditation teacher, licensed hypno-therapist and, more recently, self-improvement author.
He uses his wealth of experience and in-depth knowledge of psychology to give his readers the tools they need to unlock their infinite potential.
He uses his wealth of experience and in-depth knowledge of psychology to give his readers the tools they need to unlock their infinite potential.
A prolific self-help author, Kurt has written the following books: The Art of Forgiveness, Lie or Die, Soul Match, Can You Inherit a Poisoned Mind? and The Power of Poverty. He is also the author of a bestselling children's book in the German-speaking world and has over 20 books in progress.
UID 152 123 159
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