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Kurt Friedrich Gassner - Author

Kurt Friedrich Gassner, Author
Kurt Friedrich Gassner has worn many hats throughout his life, including serial entrepreneur, creative director, meditation teacher, licensed hypno-therapist and, more recently, self-improvement author.

He uses his wealth of experience and in-depth knowledge of psychology to give his readers the tools they need to unlock their infinite potential.
A prolific self-help author, Kurt has written the following books: The Art of Forgiveness, Lie or Die, Soul Match, Can You Inherit a Poisoned Mind? and The Power of Poverty. He is also the author of a bestselling children's book in the German-speaking world and has over 20 books in progress.
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Der neue Trendguide HOME ist da. Finden Sie Ihre Wunschimmobilie in den 4 attraktiven Wohnregionen München, Starnberg, Tegernsee und Kitzbühel. Oder möchten Sie in Ihrer Wohnung oder Haus neue Aktzente setzen? In dieser Ausgabe haben wir einige Vorschläge zur Inspirationen veröffentlicht. Erfahren Sie auch Neues und Wissenswertes zu Kunst und Kultur sowie Lifestyle. Das E-Book könnne Sie unter ansehen.

The new HOME trend guide is here. Find your dream property in the 4 attractive residential regions of Munich, Starnberg, Tegernsee and Kitzbühel. Or would you like to set new accents in your flat or house? In this issue we have published some suggestions to inspire you. You will also find news and interesting facts about art, culture and lifestyle.
You can download the e-book at view.
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7 days
NEU: die April-Ausgabe des Trengguide HOME ist gerade erschienen. Immobilien, Interior Design, Architektur, Kunst sowie Lifestylenews finden Sie in der neuen Ausgabe. Blättern Sie im E-Book unter: unter HOME

NEW: the April issue of Trengguide HOME has just been published. You will find property, interior design, architecture, art and lifestyle news in the new issue.
Browse the e-book at: under HOME
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6 months
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Freelance or self-employed

Co-editor m/f/d wanted

Your chance 2023

Are you part of the real estate industry and/or do you have experience in ad sales. Would you like to create a new foothold for yourself?

Then become a partner and implement a trendguide HOME in your region.
On request with coaching from our successful publisher of the trendguide Home Munich Ms Elvira Atesli.

If interested - more info from
Mrs Gertrud Gruber
Phone 0660 2176620

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